This module provides an XML sitemap that complies with Google's recommendations and protocol.
The XML sitemap file is available at http(s)://your.domain/sitemap.xml and contains URLs generated for:
- pages created by nodes;
- non-empty taxonomy term pages;
- public pages generated by the "Views" module.
If a node is set as the site's home page, the direct URL to that node is automatically excluded from the sitemap to avoid duplication of content.
Administration page is available via Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > Easy XML Sitemap (admin/config/metadata/easy_xmlsitemap) and can be useful for:
- (re)building an XML Sitemap at any time using the "BUILD SITEMAP NOW" button;
- viewing information about when the last sitemap was generated.

Under "Advanced settings" fieldset:
- set forced "https" protocol for URLs in sitemap;
- set (if needed) different default base URL used for sitemap links;
- select frequency of sitemap rebuild: manually, daily (default) or any cron run;
- add exclusions for URLs you don't want to include in sitemap;
- add exclusions for content types you don't want to include in sitemap;
- add exclusions for content in languages you won't include in sitemap.
Note: if you have the "SEO Meta Tags" module installed, you can also exclude from sitemap all pages with "noindex" value in meta-tag "robots".